"Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of Howards 4 Hope (H4H), Links for Hope Initiative which has been incredibly rewarding. Seeing the direct impact on the community is truly inspiring. I had the distinct pleasure of attending Howards 4 Hope Fundraising Initiative Gala. At the gala individuals who had taken part in the program shared their individual experiences of how working with the agency has made life changing contributions to their lives.
I really enjoyed hearing the real life experiences from the single mother who shared her story of how the support and the resources she has received has made a huge difference, and the excitement of the young woman with developmental disabilities who spoke in front of a large group for the first time, after she spoke she was so proud of herself and was beaming with excitement, as I congratulated her she hugged my neck with joy, as well as hearing from the teen who shared about her nervousness at the first, Me, Myself and My meeting, a group for 4th-7th grade until one of the other girls smiled at her, and then she felt welcomed. Howard 4 Hope is unerringly displaying hope in our community. Keep hope alive!"